Posts Tagged ‘Thomas Nelson’


Separate paths

February 23, 2009

Busy day today. Got up this morning, headed off to church and by the time we’d gotten home, I’d somehow been roped into working in the children’s ministry/Sunday school for the next six months. I’ve got my wife to thank for this, along with another sweet lady you just can’t say no to – Carrie Henry. Funny that 20 minutes later, just into his sermon, Jonathan Morrow, explained to us all exactly HOW to do it (say “no”, that is) and how important it is that we learn to do so.   hahaha … Now, I’m only kidding, of course. The children’s ministry was one of the things I’d been considering, anyway. We’ll meet next week to go through some other options/church needs. Looking forward to it. I’ll be with the kindergartners, so I may be teaching Jack’s Sunday School class, which would be kinda cool (I think … I reserve the right to change my mind on that one in a few weeks … more on that later).

Busy week this week, as we have sales conference at Thomas Nelson.  Sales reps from all over the country will be in to talk with us about our next catalog of non-fiction books (the ones they’ll be responsible for selling in to bookstores). I’ve also got an author, Scott McKain (Collapse of Distinction) coming to town Thursday … and I have a couple of massive book mailings and follow-up campaigns to get started on.

forkintheroad-713508Just alot goin’ on.  Anyway – gettin’ to the point of the title  … Tracey had a conversation with a friend recently who revealed to her that she was a non-believer. I, on the other hand, heard from an old friend today who told me he and his wife had given their lives to Christ recently. Funny, in both instances, you somehow feel inadequate … without the right words. Gotta get better at that. I told him I was smilin’ from ear to ear and that it was the best news I’d heard in a long while.  Just can’t seem to come up with the words in that situation to tell people how happy you are.  On the flip side, it’s a little unnerving when you get the news from a friend that they’re not on the path … unnerving because you can’t convince them in a matter of moments that they need to know Jesus (at least I feel inadequate in that situation … I’m sure others could do so rather convincingly … gotta work on that, too). And, you won’t be able to spend enough time with them to introduce them to Him by example, i.e in the way you live your life. You just, I suppose, do what Tracey did and plant the seed … and come back to water it from time to time. And, of course, pray alot that the Lord works in their heart.

Anyhow …. not much to say. Just a quick catch-me-up. Work all week. Men’s group Thursday morning at 5:30, dinner with Scott McKain Thursday night, Tracey headed out Friday to a women’s retreat, children’s ministry training for me at 8:30 Sat. morning., the birthday party of a dear friend’s little girl later that afternoon in Franklin and alot of book sales, publicity and marketing talk between now and then.

Have a great week, all. Probably post again in a day or two … something I’ve been wanting to get into.

(And, if you know of anyone who might want to buy a real pretty 2003 Nissan Altima … I’ll make time for ’em!)